Confetti & Streamers


Here’s why you’re going to love our confetti and streamers:

  1. Easy cleanup
    We don’t use small, paper-punch confetti so it won’t get embedded in carpeting. And the streamers can be easily picked up in bunches—people usually keep them as souvenirs!
  2. Colorfast material
    Cheaper dyes can run when they get wet, staining tablecloths, clothes, etc. The colorfast material we use reduce the likelihood of this problem.
  3. Flame-resistant
    Our confetti and streamers are flame-resistant and will not support combustion.
  4. Custom colors
    We can generally match confetti and/or streamers to your event colors. They’re also available in mylar (metallic) material, which reflects light and can add extra dazzle to your event.
  5. Custom shapes
    We offer specialty-shaped confetti. Stars, hearts, shamrocks, butterflies and other shapes can be perfect finishing touches for themed events.

Contact RES Pyro

If you would like to book RES Pyro for a show or buy our products, give us a call at 952-873-3113.
You can also fill out our contact form and we’ll get back to you.